Staff Of The Everscamp
About this mod. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Visually Improved Staffs v. 1.1 Replaces default staff textures with high resolution ones. It contains textures for all non-unique staffs + Hrormirs Ice Staff. It also contains optional addon for glowing (which I highly recommend to use).
The Staff of the EverscampThe Staff of the Everscamp is a staff associated with. Once the staff is activated by reading its engraved rune, four non-hostile appear and follow the staff's bearer. The staff's bearer is no longer able to put down or get rid of the staff. There are only two ways to get rid of the staff: find someone else who is willing to take it, or return to its original location, namely the shrine of Sheogorath in.
Has accidentally activated the staff and enlists the player's help in getting rid of it during the quest. Notes. If one of the Everscamps is killed, it will shortly reappear (with no memory that it was previously attacked). Therefore attacking the scamps is a very useful way to. You do not need to be on the quest to make use of the Everscamps. Beforehand, Rosentia doesn't seem to mind you killing the Everscamps in her house; after the quest, you can repeatedly go back to Darkfathom Cave and attack the Everscamps. Killing Everscamps can also be used to easily obtain Lesser.
Souls can be captured using to recharge items over and over. The Everscamps can be useful as allies in combat through Command Creature spells, especially at lower levels. You only need a command spell with a duration of one second: the scamps will stay in combat with any enemy you were fighting with when casting the command spell.
At higher levels, their fixed attack damage makes them less useful. However, many spells can be used to enhance the Everscamps: and improve their defenses and can make them a dangerous force when they surround a foe. They can also be used as guard dogs, alerting you to an enemy's presence. For efficiency, it's best to make your spells for the scamps have a radius of 10 feet to avoid having to cast at each scamp.
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When you take the staff from Rosentia, your Speed is damaged by 20 points. This reduction is implemented by directly modifying your character's speed attribute (it does not show up as damage in your statistics), and therefore it cannot be removed by any means (e.g., effects or other methods), nor exploited to raise Speed above 100.
Staff Of Sheogorath
The only way to regain your 20 speed points is to drop the staff, finishing the quest. Since the staff is a quest item, it normally weighs nothing. It weighs 12 pounds after it ceases to be a quest item. The Everscamps are also useful to distract enemies and, since they tend to crowd near you, block attacks from ranged enemies. Though the staff is of Daedric origin, it cannot be given to in the quest.
Entering the Shivering Isles causes the everscamps to stop following you until you re-enter Cyrodiil.Bugs. While you have the Staff of the Everscamp, and Everscamp followers, do not go into any Ayleid ruin with a poison gas trap (most commonly noticed in where is found). If the Everscamps die in the poison gas area, when resurrected, Oblivion will crash to desktop.
This issue has been addressed by version 3.4.0 of the; partially fixed by making the Everscamps immune to poison, but if something else kills them in the gas Oblivion will still crash on resurrection. It is possible to permanently obtain the Staff of the Everscamp (but not the respawning scamps themselves). At (after arriving at the Shrine of Sheogorath in Darkfathom Cave), a message appears telling you: 'I'm no longer feeling the urge to possess the Staff of the Everscamp.' At that point the staff ceases to be a quest object. Instead of dropping the staff on the ground, you can place the staff into the corpse of a creature who was killed near the altar.

This bug is fixed by the. Never drop the staff anywhere: once dropped it is never possible to pick it back up again (you get the error message 'The item cannot be removed from the shrine.' Even if you are not in the shrine). The staff can be stored in containers and later retrieved, since you're not activating it when removing it from a container. Killing the Everscamps after storing the staff in a container interrupts their following script; they'll simply remain where they've respawned until you add the staff to your carried inventory again.
You must not save your game when the staff is drawn.