Steam Download Speed Stuck At 0

So, you do not have 50–80 MBps; what you have is 50–80 Mbps - megabits per second. That is some 6–13 MB/s Go to the download page within the Steam client - it will show you a graphical overview of how Steam is doing.
Original Post before guide was made and uploadedI recently went away, got back home and tried to patch dota 2 to experience this issue again (would stop at 7.2mb every time). I spent an hour or 2 looking into various methods like:Clearing the Downloading folder of 570 (Dota 2)Clearing the clientregistry.blob along with winui.gcfReverifying the files (did that each time i attempted to fix the issue)Trying to change what region it would download fromI did the above with 0 results along with a few other things in what i had attempted. Then i went looking and I may have found a solution to the issue but would need others who have the issue to confirm.Essentially after looking for any dota 2 files that could be conflicting I decided to remove the 571-573 files from the depotcache folder in my steam folder. Now I'm assuming that those files are linked to dota 2 (a confirmation on this would be great too).
But if anyone else is having the same issue and can confirm that removing those files helps break the stuck download issue then it would be a great help.Also just one last thing, If this does fix the issue could we get cvp to add some possible solutions for the Download patch/game stuck to 'Common Dota 2 Technical Issues and Solutions ' along with the other solutions which have worked for others too like the download folders, clientreg, changing dl region stuff like that. Seems like something that should have some basic solutions in an easy to find area. I know this issue is reasonably common and has been around for quite a while and think it would help others to have another post added for this issue. Well, i managed to clear my issue.

But it didn't work out in the same order. First of all, the symptoms of my update issues were that it would get stuck at 13.4mb/18bm + (more importantly) it would affect and slow down all the applications (not responding) - even browsing of the files till i ended steam process from task manager.So the steps that worked for me were1. Clearing the downloading folder2. The renaming of clientregistry.blob3. And then Verifying the integrity of the game cacheI guess it was probably because after the renaming and then comparing the files, i got a lot of files missing. And the client started another 113mb of download, during which it didn't pause! So it worked out for me.
Hope it helps too.
Well, there's a huge difference of speed I get while downloading from the Internet and downloading from Steam.I get like ups and downs speed, which actually most of the time is stuck at 0 bytes/ sec. It suddenly rises up and goes like 90kbps.
Speed Up Steam Downloads

My peak download rate remains at 300kbps, that too for one second.How do I boost up my speed? I'm from India and I kept the download server location at India, that didn't help. I tried UK, London - and it's giving me the same speed.Any tweaks for this noob?