Xcom 2 Alien Hunters Weapons
May 12, 2016 XCOM 2 Alien Hunters DLC has arrived! It's got New Alien Weapons, a New Story Mission, New Enemy Rulers like the Viper King, Archon Queen, and Berserker Queen, and new customization options!
Alien Hunter DLC gives the Alien Rulers with ther unique fighting style and the unique weapons.Hunters Axe, Shadwokeeper, Boltcaster and Frostbomb.- With the Templers and the weapons of the Choosen Assasin, you don't need that Axe anymore.- I never really used the Shadowkeeper. Snipers had enough aim to hit almost always. And they are no scouts, so the whole vanishing effect was useless to me - since there are rangers.- The Boltcaster has a good aim and heavy damage. But with the Choosen Weapons, he is more or less useless and too expensive to upgrade it on the way- I still use the Frostbomb, though.- The Alien Rulers are nerfed and not soooo dangerous anymore.So in the end I came to the conclusion (at least for myself), that the Frostbomb doesn't outwight the annoying fights with the Alien Rulers.But I am curious, what do you think? I only played normal, maybe someone who played legendary can say something?
I always used the heck out of the axe, it's my favorite weapon LOOOL Shadowkeeper is nice too. The freezing bombs is not something I use all the time, but it has come in handy at times.

Bolt caster is an amazing weapon but I use it for my second ranger build (it's hard to use with one load, but in tandem with melee alternative it's not bad). The armor are fun to use.but mostly just an alternative aesthetics to mid level armor.Gameplay wise as hard and frustrating battling ambush by ruler on sometimes already quiet impossible mission.it's like a nice level of spice that changes your gameplay. Although I won't lie I did reload several times having wiped out by them on some missions LOL. Originally posted by:I always used the heck out of the axe, it's my favorite weapon LOOOL Shadowkeeper is nice too. The freezing bombs is not something I use all the time, but it has come in handy at times. Bolt caster is an amazing weapon but I use it for my second ranger build (it's hard to use with one load, but in tandem with melee alternative it's not bad).
The armor are fun to use.but mostly just an alternative aesthetics to mid level armor.I dislike the armor because I like the special ammunition and vests. Especially since there is a research now giving vests +1 HP. But Alien Ruler Armor locks one slot. So nope, I won't hide my soldiers in hide. ^^Axe was nixe because you could thow it once.
Xcom 2 Alien Hunters Weapons List
^^ But upgrade it seperatly made it sometimes hard.And yes, I did reload some situations myself, too. Sometimes it is just TOO much of coincident. Originally posted by:the armor doesn't lock one slot though? From memory AK armor allows you two item slots and Rage armor is basically a better WAR armor. VK armor is a slightly better Wraith Suit assuming no research breakthroughs, with breakthroughs it could be arguably worse depending on which stat you actually want more. Did WotC alter something?
To be honest, I didn't bother building one of the armors. But wait, the WAR-armor has only one slot, same with the Wraith Suit. Sure, one has a heavy weapon and one the grapling hook, but there for both may only carry ONE additional item. The normal Warden Armor has two slots. Axe is super useful for a long period of time before you can get the chosen weapons, and depending on which way RNG goes with breakthroughs might outdamage your Templars for a long time, not even counting the free throw action.The frost grenades are like the only form of control that even works on the chosen AFAIK, so also amazingly useful.The shadowkeeper pistol is also just plain better than the mag pistol, ignoring the stealth mechanic. Bonus crit and accuracy is nothing to sneeze at.In my current game I killed the snake king before I killed my first chosen, it's a lot easier to get to them.
Originally posted by:the armor doesn't lock one slot though? From memory AK armor allows you two item slots and Rage armor is basically a better WAR armor. VK armor is a slightly better Wraith Suit assuming no research breakthroughs, with breakthroughs it could be arguably worse depending on which stat you actually want more. Did WotC alter something? To be honest, I didn't bother building one of the armors. But wait, the WAR-armor has only one slot, same with the Wraith Suit. Sure, one has a heavy weapon and one the grapling hook, but there for both may only carry ONE additional item.
The normal Warden Armor has two slots.That is true they can only carry 1 additional item, but for me personally, grappling hook is worth it on a sharpshooter or a ranger. And if I have a choice of blaster launcher vs a grenade, I would usually take blaster launcher anyway. Also I think WAR armor gives an extra armor point over warden. Originally posted by:Axe is super useful for a long period of time before you can get the chosen weapons, and depending on which way RNG goes with breakthroughs might outdamage your Templars for a long time, not even counting the free throw action.The frost grenades are like the only form of control that even works on the chosen AFAIK, so also amazingly useful.The shadowkeeper pistol is also just plain better than the mag pistol, ignoring the stealth mechanic. Bonus crit and accuracy is nothing to sneeze at.In my current game I killed the snake king before I killed my first chosen, it's a lot easier to get to them. Even my normal Ranger outpoweres a Templar, if it wouldn't be for the amount of templar skills. XDI tried to frostbomb a choosen, he broke free imediatly.:OI hardly shoot with the pistol at all.
I try to position my snipers always for using their rifles. Originally posted by:That is true they can only carry 1 additional item, but for me personally, grappling hook is worth it on a sharpshooter or a ranger. And if I have a choice of blaster launcher vs a grenade, I would usually take blaster launcher anyway. Also I think WAR armor gives an extra armor point over warden Blaster Launcher and grenade are one use items. I like ammunition and vests for their permanent effect. Also, a Spark may longen and widen the effect of a heavy weapon. If I feel like using them, I use a Spark.
^^The extra armor point o WAR armor is correct. The alien hunter weapons are great for the beginning of a commander +/Ironman run, and I'm still using them mid way in the campaign. Love that crit/aim bonus. I just don't use the integration, so I can get them early and, fighting the rulers is still very tense.
I also like the Nest, and Tower story missions, and love the variety they add to the new content. As for the armor, I usually just find one soldier to give them to, and build their skills around it, that way I'm also not trying to use them all the time.I've got a support leaning speacialist with the viper suit right now, and it's awesome for quickly positioning over watches and freeze tactics. Also the shadow keeper is awesome on lost missions.
Originally posted by:Blaster Launcher and grenade are one use items. I like ammunition and vests for their permanent effect. Also, a Spark may longen and widen the effect of a heavy weapon. If I feel like using them, I use a Spark. ^^The extra armor point o WAR armor is correct. ^^ah yeah I never use vests, so I only ever need 1 slot for ammo and maybe another for a grenade of sorts.unrelated to my comment, but related to your other one, frost bomb is not a good thing to pop on them as the last action of your turn, but can be situationally useful if you pop it as the first thing on your turn.
They are still frozen for the duration of your turn, but when their turn starts it only takes 1 AP away from them. The archon armor is a medium so it has two slots as well. You can pull off all kinds of shennanigans with the rage strike of the berserker armour in vanilla, and it's better than a WAR suit.Anyhow, I still find the hunter axe very useful, more damage and it's a free attack.

Boltcaster is okay even if that one guy is always playing catchup, frost bomb is great for the right situations. Even shadowkeeper is good, it has +10% aim, that's a nice pistol for headshotting lost all day.
Xcom 2 Alien Hunters Weapons Upgrades
Eventually your sharp will be getting 100% on everything but you get the pistol when you still have squaddie sharps.All of this stuff you get early or very early in the campaign compared to tier 3 plasma/alloy stuff and chosen weapons. I have used the ruler equipment much more than I ever did before. I have no idea if its been buffed.
It also features in the chosen fights. If your using the ruler gear, the little chitchats and taunts you get while you fight mention them.The rage armour is basicaly a better WARSUIT, even if it does look odd and have no cosmetic head piece.The pistol is awesome on pistolier sharpshooters.The bolt caster isnt that awesome tbh. I did put it on my PSI trooper, just so I have options and she does get alot of insta gibs with it.The axe is great with the free attack giving more options.The serpent suit also comes with a freeze shot. This puts an enemy out of action for a turn. It doesnt sound like alot, pull when you pull an extra andromedon it helps.
The Alien Hunter - A class mod for Long War 2 - by DerBK - v1.01 -REQUIRES EITHER LONG WAR 2 OR THE LONG WAR PERK PACKThe Alien Hunter fills a niche role in the Commander's roster. He can use all rifles, SMGs and swords, but is best used with a Boltcaster and/or the Hunter's Axe.His squaddie skill, 'Raise The Stakes', allows for an automatic free reload after every kill. The combination of this skill with the Boltcaster is one of the foudations the class stands on, this is further expanded by other perks along the way.As far as stats per rank is concerned, the Alien Hunter follows the same path as the LW2 Ranger. He can use heavy armors like the EXO suit, however he can not equip heavy weapons like the Shredder Cannon.The Alien Hunter packs a lot of punch, but will require the cream of your equipment to fully use him.
His power comes at several tradeoffs, like dealing with expensive equipment that is available in limited quantities. Due to it being unpractical to have a lot of them in your roster, losing one will hurt. A lot.Also, don't lose your Boltcaster or Hunter's Axe on a mission. Sure, most perks work even with your regular swords and guns, but the Alien Hunter loses a lot of his punch that way.This mod is designed to be used with either Long War 2 or vanilla XCOM with Perk Pack.