How To Control A Dual Voice Coil Subwooder
The Voice Coil. A voice coil is the coil of wire around the former (tube) attached to the apex of the speaker cone. The voice coil provides the motive force to the cone by the reaction of a magnetic field to the current passing through it. A single voice coil has one winding coil and a dual voice coil has two separate windings. If your car’s electrical sound system gives out 4 ohms, then that is the level the wiring needs to be done at. However, dual voice coils can be wired to 2 or 8 ohms depending on your system. Series Wiring. Single voice coil subwoofers do not offer this option, dual voice coil subs allow for the connection of multiple subwoofers to one amplifier. Another attractive option is wiring each of the coils in a DVC sub to a different channel.
Google drive add to my drive. The problem with dual voice coil subs is that the amplifier must be able to drive the load. I am assuming that each coil is 2Ohms each and the amplifier you are driving the subwoofer with is capable of driving that load. If this assumption (of the VC) is true your Amplifier will need to power the 2Ohms of the VC this will be 'Normal'. If the Amplifier is not capable of powering less than 4Ohms you will need to wire the subwoofer in 'Series'. If the Amplifier is capable of powering half the VC's resistance you can wire it in 'Parallel'.
How To Control A Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer Vs Single
Normal wiring is going to be, Positive on the Amplifier goes to the Positive (red) side on the subwoofer and Negative on the Amplifier goes to the Negative (black) side on the subwoofer, then repeat this for the other output side of the Amplifier to the other VC, easy: This is 'Series'. Now if the amplifier is not capable of driving the load this gets slightly complicated.
Positive from one of the positives on the amplifier goes to one positive side of the speaker. Negative goes to the opposite coils Negative side (black), now you get a short wire of your preference from the Negative that has no other input and run it to the opposite Positive side that has no other input: This is called 'Parallel'. If the Amplifier is capable of running a load lower than the resistance rating of the subwoofer then run the wire from Positive on the Amplifier to Positive on the subwoofer and Negative on the Amplifier to Negative on the subwoofer, and then run a short wire of your preference from the first VC to the other VC, Positive to Positive and Negative to Negative. Double check the wiring Red to Red and Black to Black in everything but 'Series'.
12 Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer
Take it easy and don't wake the dead, I did that in the middle of the day they don't like being waken from their slumber.Posted on May 04, 2014.