How To Implement Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft

09.10.2019by admin
How To Implement Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft Average ratng: 7,2/10 5645 votes
  1. How To Implement Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft System

This post shows how to implement parallelism in Java using its native java.util.concurrent classes. I mean especially using parallel Fork-Join Framework (available since Java 1.7), which is most suitable for processing of high complex (CPU intensive) tasks.

I need some details to implement parallel processing using peoplespft.My requirement is as below. We have arround 80-100 records that needs to be enriched. Currently we have created a PL/SQL procedure and doing this enrichment one by one sequentially which takes arround 2 hours. No of records will increase day by day adding to the processing time.Since these record enrichment's are independent tasks if this can be run in parallel it will benifit us.I'd like PS experts to help me on it. Your quick action will be appreciated.Regards,Mahesh. You'll find the information in PeopleBooks in the Application Engine guide under Using Temporary Tables Understanding Temporary Tables Parallel Processing.As James wrote, the approach involves merely running your program multiple times concurrently and having logic in your program to effectively divide the total amount of work into smaller chunks.Taking that approach for your problem, for example, you could have a table that has two columns: record name and batch id. Each run of your application, you could pass it a run control id which references a batch id, then have a loop that does all the work of populating each of the records in that particular batch set.

Using this approach, you have the flexibility of adding additional records to your control table, and also changing which records are to be run in which batch by merely changing the batch id for a specific record.Again, the documentation does not so much describe how one AE program can run to utilize parallel threads, but rather an approach to writing your AE program to allow the program to be run multiple times concurrently, with each currently running program performing a different set of work. Their recommended approach suggests using instances of temporary tables to store chunks of data applicable to that particular run, which is why we find the text in that section.Doug.

Hello Friends,In this post, we will go through a step-by-step example of using Fork to implement Parallel Processing in a Workflow.In our example we will have 2 parallel processes where user can finish a task just by displaying a Material.Out of these 2 parallel processes if any single process is finished the Workflow is completed.Steps for designing your Workflow:1. Go to the Transaction SWDD – Workflow Builder. You will be presented with a screen as shown in Figure 1 below else you may create a new Workflow using Menu Bar → Workflow → New (Ctrl + Shift + F5).Figure 1: Creating a new Workflow2. Double-click on Undefined Step. You will be presented with a pop-up window for Step Selection. Select Fork and click Continue (Enter) as shown in the Figure 2.Figure 2: Selecting Fork Step Type3. You will get a screen to enter details for the Fork Step you have just selected as shown in the Figure 3.

Difference between state record and temporary table in peoplesoft

Enter the following values:Step Name Fork Step – Display Material in ParallelParallel Branches 2Necessary Branches 1Figure 3: Values entered in Control Tab for Fork StepClick on Transfer and to graphic Button.4. Now in the overview screen of the Workflow you can see the 2 parallel branches each with having an undefined step. Now double-click on the Undefined Step in left branch (you can choose right branch also) as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4: Parallel Branches in Fork with Undefined Step5. You will be presented with a pop-up window for Step Selection. Select Activity and click Enter as shown in the Figure 5.Figure 5: Selecting Activity Step Type in Left Branch6. You will get a screen to enter details for the Activity Step you have just selected as shown in the Figure 6.

In this example we will create a new Task by clicking on drop-down Button (on the left of the Task input text field) and choosing Create Task.Figure 6: Creating a New Task for Activity Step7. In the next screen shown in Figure 7 enter the following values in the Basic Data Tab –Abbr. DemoForkTaskName Display the MaterialWork item text Hello,%UNAME%, Click me to display the MaterialObject Category BOObject Type BUS1001Method DISPLAYClick on Enter. In the Transfer missing elements from the object method? Pop-up window click on Yes Button.

Press Save Button (Ctrl + S). Select a Local Object in the Create Object Directory Entry pop-up.Figure 7: Values entered in Basic data Tab for creating Task8.

In the Description Tab, Select Text Type as Completion Text and click on Change Text Button. Enter the text as ‘The Material Task has been completed’ (without quotes) and click on Back Button (F3). Press Save Button (Ctrl + S) as shown in Figure 8.Figure 8: Completion text for the TaskUse Menu Bar → Additional Data → Agent Assignment →Maintain to Maintain Agent AssignmentIn the screen for Maintain Agent Assignment go to Menu Bar → Edit →Attributes (F8). A pop-up windows will appear. Select General Task Radio Button and click on Transfer (Enter) Button. Click Back Button (F3). Press Save Button (Ctrl + S).

Again click Back Button (F3). In the pop-up window suggesting Container Elements and Binding click on Continue (Enter) Button.9. In the Control Tab for Agent choose the Expression: Workflow Initiator.

In the Details Tab uncheck Advance with Dialog check-box. In the Notification Tab choose the Expression: Workflow Initiator.10.

In the Control Tab note the Task Number Click on Transfer and to graphic Button as shown in Figure 9.Figure 9: Task Definition completed for Displaying Material11. In the overview screen of the Workflow, double-click on the Undefined Step and repeat Step 5. In the screen to enter details for the Activity Step you have just selected enter the Task you have just noted in Step 10. Press Enter and in the pop-up window suggesting Container Elements and Binding click on Continue (Enter) Button.

Repeat Step 9 and click on Transfer and to graphic Button. Click on Continue (Enter) Button.12. On the Left of the Screen, Click on drop-down Step Types That Can Be Inserted and choose Workflow Container. Navigate and double-click on Element BUS1001. In the windows in the Properties Tab, check on the Import check-box and press Confirm (Enter).13. Press Save Button (Ctrl + S). In the pop-up for naming of new Workflow Template enter the following values:Abbr.

ZDemoForkWFName Demo Fork Workflow14. Now your Workflow will look like something similar to Figure 10 and is ready for Testing. Use Menu Bar → Workflow → Test (F8).Do not worry!

The Workflow will be automatically activated. 😎Figure 10: Look and Feel of Your Workflow Ready for TestingTesting your Workflow1.

Provide an input value for a Valid Material as shown in Figure 11. Click on Continue (Enter)Figure 11: Input Value as Valid Material for Testing Workflow2. Use Menu Bar → Workflow → Test (F8). You will get a Success Message in the Message Area of your Screen with text similar to Task started under work item ID (current status: In Process)3. Use Menu Bar →Environment → Business Workplace (Shift + F6). Check the Workflow Folder in the Inbox Folder.

How To Implement Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft System


You can see two new items in your Workflow Folder as shown in Figure 12. Clicking on any item will process one parallel branch of the Workflow.Figure 12: Click on any item to display the Material4.

After you have displayed the material you can see only row item is remaining. But if you click this remaining item, it will also be deleted and you will get the message as shown in Figure 13.Figure 13: Message displaying that the Work item is deleted or endedInstead of this step, if you would have refreshed your Workflow folder, the remaining item will be not visible anymore.The second item is automatically ended because while designing your Workflow in Fork Step, we have mentioned as only 1 Necessary Branch for End Condition (see Step 3).You can also see your Inbox for notification. Note there is only a single notification.Now you can press the Back (F3) Button to go to the Test Screen of your Workflow.5. Go to Menu Bar → Goto → Workflow Log (F5). As shown in Figure 14, you can see that the Status of a Workflow Item is Logically Deleted.

😀Figure 14: Workflow LogIf you like this Post; please do share it and let us know your 🙂.