The Lost City Rise Of The Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider Introductions 9 Rise of the Tomb Raider arrives on Mac and Linux April 19 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider is now officially available on Linux, here’s a look at it with.
Rate this post Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC Game Free DownloadAction and adventure is the most liked genre between all PC gamers. Many gamers like to spend their free time with PC action-adventure games. So, here we are going to suggest you one of the trending old PC games that still popular.
Here we like to talk about the Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC Download. This is one of the popular game in action and adventure category. From this post download page, you can get a link for the Highly Compressed PC Game Free Download.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC Game Free DownloadThis game series has many sequels and this is the 11th sequel to the Tomb Raider game series. The previous sequel of this game was released in the year 2013. For Xbox 360, Microsoft Studio, and Xbox one this game is discovered in the year 2015. The most popular name Crystal Dynamics is the creators of this game. Now, the game is shared for all the platform namely MS Windows, Macintosh OS, PS4, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, and also for Linux OS. 95+ percentages PC gamers like to play this action and adventure PC game. So once take the deeply look to this complete article.
Gameplay Of The Rise Of The Tomb Raider Game ArticleRise Of The Tomb RaiderPlatformMS WindowsGame Size26+GBCompressed Parts11DeveloperCrystal DynamicsOne of the trending and the demanding game of the Tomb Raider game series. Lara Croft is the main character who performs the bold task in Siberia. Lara makes a battle with enemies to save the Kitezh city peoples life. She travels to many cities and unknown environment. She action makes a fight to unlock the game next level rewards.This is the 3rd person action and adventure PC game. Lara, the main character of the game has a task to discover the Kitezh city legendary. For that, she attempts many fights and puzzles.
Many guns are available to the Lara for combat. She gots shotgun, Pistols, Rifles etc. Lara uses more other weapons like tearing, buses to hide or escape from the enemies. To get more points and to upgrade the skill, a player needs to collect more XP much as possible.
Player need to upgrade their three skills namely hunter, brawler, and survivor. Using XP player can do this task.Player Hunter skills required to deal with animals and unknown environment. Brawler Skills improve the ability of Lara to use a different type of weapons with good manner. This brawler skill helps Lara to unlocks the new skills and next levels of the game. Survivor skill mainly used in creating a trap for enemies.
Fallout 2 sierra army depot virus. Lara needs to take knowledge of many languages. Because she needs to travel to many cities to complete their tasks. For taking more information about the game environment and player looks check this below video that shows full gameplay of the Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC Game. Or you can learn all the things about the game from. Rise Of The Tomb Raider Requirements PC.
SYSTEMCPU:- Core i-3 Intel 2100 CPU, Equivalent AMD CPU. MEMORY:- 6GB. OPERATINGSYSTEM:- 64 Bit Win7. REQUIRESTORAGE:- 25GB. INDIVIDUALV-RAM:- 2GB. DIRECTXVERSION:- V11.0Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC Game Free Download Full Version Highly CompressedCompressed Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC download link presents below.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider Tomb Locations
The total size of this Rise Of The Tomb Raider PC game is 26+GB. To perfectly run this game on your Microsoft Windows Computer download all the parts of the game.
LoadingThis is Lara Croft's final chance to save Jacob's people and prevent Trinity from getting their hands on the Divine Source, but first she must make her way through the lost city of Kitezh.Use the zip-lines to get all the way across the old city to the gate, making your own if needed. Once there, though, you'll need to head back and up to the right where the trebuchet is. There will be lots of heavily armoured soldiers, but most will only use melee attacks. Once in the far right corner, use your broadhead arrows to create a climbable path up the walls. Get up to the trebuchet, kill the guards, and use it to break down the gate.
Make your way back and go through the gate.Head left to the next gate where you'll get armour-piercing arrows. You'll have to fight a few waves of enemies here, so try not wasting ammunition.
Use poison arrows and Greek Fire when enemies are in groups. Otherwise, use your shotguns for the heavily armoured ones or your assault rifle to break their armour and your fire arrows to set them alight.Once cleared, make your way through the door on the level you fought on and go up to the trebuchet. You'll need to swing and climb the structures to get to it. Once there, aim it first at a nearby ledge with a roped pole. Then, go to that platform and use your rope arrows to connect the pole to the debris jammed in the trebuchet.
Then, turn it to the gate and the debris will become dislodged. You can then fire on the gate.You'll have to use the trebuchet on the other side for your second shot.
Make your way over there, using your rope arrows as needed. Once there, you'll need to do a similar thing as to how you broke the large door down in the mine. First get to a good vantage point on the far side of the upper level. Then, use your rope arrows to close the jug on the lever. Pull it under the waterfall to fill it, raising the end with the metal ornament.
Then, make sure the ornament is lined up with the ice and release the water in the jug. Run and jump onto the ornament as fast as you can to swing it into the ice, breaking it apart and freeing the trebuchet (13:00 in the video).
Use the siege weapon to take out the archers before breaking down the gate.Use your rope arrow to make a zipline to the lower area where the archers were, progressing over to the gate. You'll have to take out some enemies in the way until you reach the end of the roofs. From there, create another zipline directly across from the roped pole. Run through the gate and take down the enemies beyond.
LoadingScale the walls using your broadhead arrows and the climbing techniques you've learnt. Make your way to the tower that leads up to the highest part of the city, watching out of enemies, falling ice, and debris on the way. Once at the top and across, you'll have to fight along the path against Trinity mercenaries. Use your explosive and poison arrows as well as any Greek Fire. Your shotgun and assault rifle are the most effective.
Take cover, unlike against the Deathless Soldiers, more often due to the ranged attacks, but move between cover when you can since they throw grenades.Once you're all the way through, you'll reach the final campsite of the game. Prepare for the final fights.First will be a wave-based fight with a helicopter.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Cue and shoot the trebuchet's attacks to damage the helicopter, needing a total of three successful hits to take it down. There is a wave of enemies between each projectile. Get the high ground when you can. If you do it successfully each time, you'll only fight two waves of enemies.After falling through the floor, you'll be in a room with many Deathless Soldiers. You can rather easily stealth kill all of them, so try that by killing them from above or behind while moving from the tops of cover rather than staying behind them.THE FIGHT AGAINST KONSTANTIN You have no allies, no weapons, but you do have hope and a game's worth of skill. Damage him with sneak attacks, either from above or behind.
It takes two to take him down. Then, do with him what you will. Either kill him or let him live.