Zelda Ocarina Of Time Shadow Temple
Shadow Temple. You will be using the Lens of Truth frequently, so have it set to a button for quick access (make sure you have a full enough Magic Meter to use it. The Shadow Temple. Supposed someone did request this. But I really only thought through the Forest Temple a lot, not so much the Shadow Temple, or any other Temple for that matter. They simply don’t have as much to tell, IMO. Shadow Temple, a mausoleum in the back of the Graveyard, quite literally a house of the dead. The Shadow Temple was historically a place used by the Sheikah to interrogate and torture enemies of the Royal Family of Hyrule. Because of the dark stain on Hyrule's history that it represents, it is taboo for the Royal Family to speak of the Shadow Temple.
Birdstatue.jpg Getting the Hover Boots Leave here and find another hidden pathway to the right, leading into a similar-looking room. There's another hidden pathway in this room that takes you to a sealed room with hands sticking out of the ground, a sight you've seen before at the Bottom of the Well.That's right, another Dead Hand, although this time you're more powerful, especially if you have Biggoron's Sword. Use the same strategy as before (let a hand grab you, escape, and attack its head). Alternatively, if you just attack the hands, the Dead Hand will eventually pop up from the ground as well. Each strategy works just as well as the other. After being defeated, the Dead Hand will leave behind a chest with this dungeon's treasure: the. With these you can float off the ground for a while, but at the same time they offer little traction, causing you to slide around on the ground.
Hoverbootsget.jpgSet the Hover Boots to a button and return to the room with the giant circle of skull torches and the bird statue. Use your Lens to find the one, real skull on a pike (the one that doesn't disappear), and push the bird statue until it's facing the real one (do not stop pushing the bird statue until it's facing the correct skull, otherwise the floor will open up and send you back to the entrance of the room.) This will unlock the door to the east. Float over there with the Hover Boots (be sure to get a running start) and continue further into the temple.Getting the Compass There is a Beamos in the center of the next room with diverging pathways.
The Lens reveals that two of them are only illusions, so proceed to the right and enter the door to encounter two Gibdo enemies. Use the Longshot, or Sun's Song to stun them, then eliminate them with your sword. This prompts another treasure chest with the Compass to appear. Return to the previous room.
If you want a Big Fairy to replenish all of your energy, destroy the Beamos, go to where it stood, and play the Song of Storms. You can do this as many times as you want by re-entering the area.Enter the door on the opposite side.
Be careful about the large rotating scythes and maneuver your way around the room, collecting all the silver rupees. They're pretty easy to find; the trickiest one requires you to use your Longshot to reach a platform above. Go through the now opened passageway and grab a Small Key from the chest. Schythes.jpgReturn once more to the room with the Beamos and use a bomb to destroy the easthern wall. Enter the locked door. You'll now be in a long passage that is littered with Skulltulas and dropping guillotines.
The shadows cast by the Skulltulas give away their positions. Work your way through, watching out for Wallmasters near the end.Falling Spikes Finally, you'll reach a large room with platforms and more guillotines.
You won't need the Hover Boots for this; in fact, they only make this part harder. Run and jump through the guillotines, watch out for the Fire Skull that bursts from nowhere at the last blade and tumble under the blade to the safety of the last platform. That safety is fleeting, however, when a single Stalfos enemy appears.
While you fight him, be careful not to fall off the platform. (When he's defeated, you can play the Song of Storms to summon another big Fairy). Gold Skulltula: Use your Lens to see platforms going to a door on the left. This leads to a large, seemingly empty space, but you'll be mysteriously hurt. A quick look through the Lens reveals invisible, rotating scythes. Kill all the Keese and the Like Like in the room to unlock the gate to access the Gold Skulltula.Equip your Hover Boots and walk onto the large, fluctuating platform to the right (make sure its in it lowest position when you start to run). From there, wait until the platform is in its highest position and hover over to the next platform, toward the guillotine to reach solid ground safely.
A Beamos and Blade Traps dominate the big platform ahead. The idea is to collect the silver rupees around them, including the one underneath the Beamos, to open the locked door.The next room features sets of falling spikes.
The sign nearby hints at some kind of object that would protect you from them. Using the Lens, and you will see a big block in the wall nearby. Pull it out onto the face tile on the floor and push it along the outlined path. When you reach the point where the block stops both sets of falling spikes, stop pushing it and begin pulling.
In the cells on either side, you'll find a Gold Skulltula and a bundle of arrows. Continue pulling the block until it can't budge and use it to climb on top of the cells. Now use the spikes to get to the other side of the room. Hit the switch and grab the Small Key from the treasure chest that just appeared on the other side of the room (you can reach it with your Longshot.The Phantom Boat Return to the large room and head toward the falling guillotine blade. The Lens of Truth reveals hidden platforms that lead to the locked door on the other side. Using your Lens in this room, you'll see hidden spikes on the floor.
Defeat the ReDeads and collect the silver rupees by using a combination of the Lens of Truth and the Longshot.Go through the now unbarred door and it'll close behind you. Kill all four of the Keese in this room to re-open the door. Climb the big steps, pluck a bomb flower, and toss it into the giant skull to obtain a Small Key. Gold Skulltula: There is a Gold Skulltula on the wall behind the giant skull pot.Go back to the room you came from, use your Lens and check out the hidden target above the platform with the locked door. Longshot to it and go through door to enter the next room.Be careful about the fans in this room.
To avoid falling down, you're going to have to equip your Iron Boots to walk firmly on the ground. Rely on the Iron Boots to get you through this whole fan section. Watch out for the eye that shoots fire at you. Enter the door to the next rooom and destroy the ReDeads. You'll find an invisible chest with arrows in it. Gold Skulltula: There's a Gold Skulltula that you can reach if you have the Scarecrow's Song. Play the song after you climb the ladder and Longshot over to the Scarecrow to reach the Gold Skulltula and two recovery hearts.In the next room, pull the block onto the marked tile under the ladder or use the Longshot to pull yourself up the ladder.
Jump onto the ship and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce marker to make the ship move. Careful, there are two Stalfos you'll face as you sail. When the boat stops, it'll start sinking, so quickly jump off the left side onto a platform and go through the only door you can. Bosskey.bmpAfter you're done, go back to the area from which you came (where the boat sank).
You'll see another platform on the other side with a locked door, but it's across a very wide abyss. Take out your bow and fire one arrow into the bomb flowers to topple the giant gargoyle statue, creating a bridge for you to cross. Go through the locked door, and use the Hover Boots and Lens of Truth to reach the Boss door.Enter and fall into the pit.Dungeon Boss: Bongo Bongo Keep the Hover Boots on, as they keep the vibrations of the drum from messing you up too much. Bongo Bongo can be a bit of a pain. He uses his disembodied hands to most of the damage; he'll slap you, pound the ground, constrict you, and many other brutal things. The key is to freeze both his hands by shooting them with your bow (you must hit both within reasonable time of each other or they will un-freeze).
If you fail to defeat Bongo Bongo on the first try and find yourself at the entrance to the Shadow Temple again, there's a shortcut back to the boss chamber. Go past the first room with the skull torches and the bird statue, across the chasm, and into the room with the Beamos. Take the passage to your left into the room with the two grim reaper status and spinning scythes.
A wall in one corner of this room is fake - run through it and drop down the opening and you'll land on the boat. This enables you to skip a bunch of rooms on your way back to fight Bongo Bongo.For a more in-depth description for defeating this boss, see for more information.Grab the Heart Container and enter the portal to be on your way to receive the Shadow Medallion from Impa. Gold Skulltula: In Hyrule Field, right outside the entrance to the Gerudo Valley, there is a large number of boulders. Find the boulder surrounded by smaller rocks and blow it up. Use another bomb to reveal a hidden grotto. Enter and you'll find three alcoves, each blocked with a spider web.
Burn the webs with Din's Fire, or Fire Arrows. On the wall behind the cow you'll find a Gold Skulltula.The bridge connecting Hyrule Field to the rest of Gerudo Valley is currently under repair, so you need either Epona or the Longshot to cross it. Gold Skulltulas: Once you cross the broken bridge, you can find a Gold Skulltula on the wall behind the tent at night. There is another Gold Skulltula on the stone pillar nearby. Gerudo Valley Heart Pieces The first Heart Piece is located on a small cliff above the water.
On the side opposite the carpenter's tent, drop off the ledge (as far to the left of the 'no diving' sign as you can get). Walk to the grey boulder, than Longshot to the box on the opposite side.
Break the box to uncover a. The only way out of here is to dive down into the waterway below, which leads to Lake Hylia.Return to the Gerudo Valley. On the same side as the carpenter's tent, drop off the north most portion of the ledge, onto the ledge below. Jump into the water and immediately equip the Iron Boots. Walk north towards the waterfall, and Longshot up to the ladder. Climb the ladder to reach a.
12.2 Shadow Temple Progress at this point Total LifeHeart Pieces33/36Tokens81/100New in this section Enemies: Gold Skulltulas:, Items:, Locations: Getting The Hover Boots Entry Room – As you enter, you’ll immediately be confronted by a pit. Longshot across it and walk towards the fake wall. A voice will proclaim that you need the “eye of truth” to progress through the temple. If you don’t yet have the Lens of Truth from the Well in Kakariko Village, refer to the previous chapter.Go on through the fake wall and we’ll encounter a little puzzle We’ll get to it in a bit though. For now, turn to your left and use the Lens of Truth to see through one of those skull plates in the wall where a hidden corridor with a door resides. Go on through.
Taunting Rooms of Illusion – The following two rooms are filled with voices that speak of hatred and death So much fun. Just ignore them and keep walking.
Follow the right wall and you’ll find a door.Dungeon Map Room – In this room, quickly play the Sun’s Song to stun the ReDead and then defeat him. There are also two keese flying up and you’ll need to defeat both of them.
Once all the enemies have been defeat, open the treasure chest that appears to get the. Collect the goodies in the jars if you’d like, then exit. Taunting Rooms of Illusion – Follow the right wall again and enter the hidden corridor between the two jars. The voices will proclaim more oddities.In this second half of the room, there are some floating jars on the left side Follow the right wall again, which leads to the next area.Hover Boots Room – This should look familiar. We have to face another Dead Hand, but there’s a little twist now. You can use the Lens of Truth to see where he’s burrowed, so do so then go away from where he’ll pop up, let the hands grab you, then confront him. He should be easily defeated since you do more damage now, especially if you use the Biggoron’s Sword.
Once he’s dead, open the chest that appears to get the. With them in hand, backtrack several room to get back near the entrance. Leap of Faith Entry Room – Now that we’re finally back in this room, approach the bird statue.
It tells you to point its beak in the right direction. If you use the Lens of Truth, you’ll see that the skull torches are all fake, except for one of them, which has a real skull on it. You have to use your Lens of Truth to find the real one as the real skull can be in one of three places and it differs from game to game. Push or pull the statue to point towards it, then step away. If you chose correctly, the gate will open across the way. Equip your new found Hover Boots and run across.
You should just barely make it, grabbing onto the tongue. Go down the hallway.
Compass And Small Key Beamos Corridor – This small room splits into four directions, including the one you just came from. You can kill the Beamos in the middle, but it’ll keep coming back when you re-enter the room. However, if you do kill it, play the Song of Storms while facing the middle to make a fairy appear. Regardless, the wall on the left and right are fake.
Take the pathway on the right side. Compass Room – This leads to a small room with two Gibdos. Play the Sun’s Song to stun them, then kill them from behind.
Open the chest to find the.Return to the previous room with the Beamos and run across the hallway to the other door that is hidden behind the fake wall.Scythe Shortcut Room – This room has a giant two grim reaper statue thing that has spinning scythes. Basically the exact same as the ice blade you encountered in the Ice Cavern. Maneuver around the room, using the R button to duck, or just roll, to avoid the blades. Collect all five Silver Rupees.
There are two in the middle. Two in alcoves on either side of the room, and one atop a stack of logs that you have to Longshot onto, then jump off to snag. Next, you’ll find a series of guillotines on floating platforms. I know it seems like you’re supposed to use the Hover Boots here, but they actually make it harder because your momentum can cause you to slip into the next slicing blade. Also, the third one has a Red Bubble that pops out of nowhere. Use your shield to deflect him (he should jump off on his own afterwards), then jump to the final platform.A Stalfos will appear.
You can use this small space to your advantage by stabbing him repeatedly so he backs himself into the bottomless pit. Again, you can play the Song of Storms to make a Fairy appear. Before you jump on down to the next area, turn left and use your Lens of Truth to see invisible platforms. Jump/hover along them, following the outer wall until you come to a door.Invisible Scythe Room – This next small room is very simple. Within the round design on the floor is another spinning grim reaper statue, but this time it’s invisible. Use your lens to avoid the blades and work your way around the room, killing the Keese on the walls and the Like Like on the other side. When all enemies have been defeated, the grating will open.
The Stone Umbrella Guillotine Cavern – Jump back across the invisible platforms and return to where the Stalfos will appear yet again. After you kill him, look on the other side to find a platform that rises and falls. You want to wait for the platform nearby to fall down really low, then jump onto it.
For this part, you can use the Hover Boots, but the slipperiness might cause you to fall down into the abyss. Once on the platform, wait until its at its highest point and jump down to the lower area on the right side.Follow the skinny bridge to a Beamos and two circling Blade Traps. There are five Silver Rupees here we need to collect.
There’s one near the ledge, one against the wall, two between the Blade Traps, and one underneath the Beamos. Once you’ve collected all five, the door will grating will lift. Spikey Falling Trap RoomThis room can be fairly intimidating at first glance.
If you step under one of the spikey platforms that are smashing the ground, you’ll start the room over again. You can’t sprint through them, so you’ll have to find another way.If you read the sign, it says you need a “stone umbrella.” I sure am glad I packed one of those this morning Use the Lens of Truth to find a stone block in a hidden cubby. Pull it out and push it under the traps. You want to position it so that it is right between the two spikes so that you can safely navigate the area. There a mark on the floor to make where that exact point is.
The last two are in the corner next to one another in mid air. Use the Lens of Truth to see the one is on a little platform. Longshot the invisible target, then user the hover boots to float over to the final Rupee.
Go in the door that opens.First Giant Skull RoomKill the four Keese that are in this room. Two are directly above you when you enter, touching the nearby blue torches, becoming Fire Keese. I suggest using the Fairy Bow to take them out quickly.
Climb up either set of ledges and kill the remaining Keese. Inside there are two ReDeads, so get rid of them. The picture on the wall will give a secret hint about the previous room. Nevertheless, there is a treasure chest, so use your Lens of Truth to get some arrows. Lastly, if you play the Sun’s Song in the center of the room, you’ll get a fairy to restore your health.Use your Lens of Truth to see a fake wall on one side of the room, in the lane closest to the door. Wait for the fan to stop blowing, then stand in front of it and equip the Hover Boots. Resist it a little until it’s going full force, then run with it to get to the other side safely.
Enter the door. An effective strategy is to get right in their face and prepare to stab forward repeatedly.
They tend to let their guard down when you do this Alternatively, you can just keep your shield up and play defense as you really don’t need to defeat them at all.Before too long, the boat will reach the end of it’s path and hit the wall. Shortly after, it’ll will fall into the abyss. Jump off onto the platform on the left side before that happens. In this new area, we can go to the other side, but first, enter the door on your right. The Three Rooms Invisible Maze – This room is filled with invisible walls and a door in each corner.
The two Floormasters in the middle of the room can be pretty annoying, especially since they reappear when you enter the room again.Use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible walls if you wish, then work your way clockwise around the room, starting with the south door. Return to the large open room, where you jumped off boat. Final Stretch The “Boat Room” – At long last, we’re ready to tackle the boss. You should have exactly one Small Key at this point. In the area where you got off the boat, you’ll see stuff on the other side of the abyss, but no way across.On the other side of the abyss, you’ll see some bomb flowers next to a large pillar. Use your bow to fire an arrow at the bomb flower.
This will blow up the base of the statue, making it fall over. Boss Room – Nothing left to do but fall down the pit.Phantom Shadow Beast, Bongo Bongocan be one of the hardest bosses in the game. Even though he can be killed quickly if you know what to do. He’s all about timing and reacting quickly, which can be hard, especially the first time you face him. His attacks do quite a bit of damage, so it’s not hard to quickly lose all your life.
A couple fairies are recommended for this battle.Ironically enough, the entire battle is on a giant bongo drum, with two hands hitting it. It may seem as though you should use the Hover Boots, but they actually make it harder. The drum is floating in a sea of poison, so you’ll have to jump back on as quick as possible should you be cast off. This boss attacks by using two hands with generic, predictable punching. His fastest attack is the swiping move, which is hard to avoid sometimes. The best way is to simply hold R to duck when you’re not targeting. The other moves are generally easily avoided by simply rolling.The object of the battle is to stun both hands, to make Bongo Bongo vulnerable.
Zelda Ocarina Of Time Shadow Temple Song
You can do this with a number of weapons, but by far, the Bow and Arrow is the way to go.Method 1: Stand far back so you can see both hands. Target and shoot one hand with an arrow. Dodge the other when it attacks, and if it’s next to you for a second, such as after slamming the ground, stab it with your sword.
How To Beat The Shadow Temple
Otherwise, target that one, and shoot it with an arrow when it goes back to its starting position before it attacks again.